Traduction de condition
[kɔ̃disjɔ̃]nom féminin
- [préalable] conditionune des conditions du progrès one of the conditions of ou requirements for progressmettre une condition à quelque chose to set a condition before something can be donej'accepte mais à une condition I accept but on one conditioncondition nécessaire/suffisante necessary/sufficient conditioncondition préalable prerequisitecondition requise requirementune condition sine qua non pour an absolute prerequisite for
- [état] condition, shapecondition physique/psychologique physical/psychological shapeêtre en bonne condition physique to be in condition, to be fiten grande ou excellente condition physique in excellent shapeêtre en mauvaise condition physique to be in poor physical shape, to be unfit
- [position sociale] condition, rank, stationune femme de condition modeste a woman from a modest backgroundla condition paysanne au XIXesiècle the situation of peasants in the 19th centuryla condition féminine the lives of women, the female conditionla condition ouvrière the condition of the working-class
- [destinée] la condition humaine the human condition
- grammaire & droit condition
nom féminin pluriel
- [environnement] conditionsconditions climatiques/économiques weather/economic conditionsconditions de vie/travail living/working conditions
- [termes] termsvos conditions seront les miennes I'll go along with whatever conditions you wish to lay downquelles sont ses conditions ? what terms is he offering ?conditions de vente/d'achat terms of sale/purchaseconditions de paiement/de remboursement payment/repayment terms
dans ces conditions
locution adverbiale
under these conditions
dans ces conditions, pourquoi se donner tant de mal ? if that's the case, why go to so much trouble ?
en condition
locution adverbiale
- [en bonne forme] in shapemettre en condition [athlète, candidat] to get into condition ou formse mettre en condition to get (oneself) fit ou into condition ou into shape
- [dans un état favorable] mettre le public en condition to condition the public
la condition |
If you leave now, you'll catch the last train. Si tu pars tout de suite, tu auras le dernier train If he does decide to go, let me know. S'il décidait vraiment de partir, prévenez-moi We'll go tomorrow, unless it rains. Nous irons demain, à moins qu'il ne pleuve The only way you'll pass is if you start working a bit harder. La seule façon de réussir, c'est de te mettre un peu plus sérieusement au travail I'll do it, but only on condition (that) you help me. Je ne le ferai qu'à la condition que tu m'aides What would you do if you won the lottery ? Qu'est-ce que tu ferais, si tu gagnais au loto ? If he had known, he would have told you. S'il avait su, il te l'aurait dit Had I thought about it, I would have acted differently. Si j'avais réfléchi à la question, j'aurais agi différemment Should he call ou If he should call, tell him I'll phone back later. Si jamais il téléphonait, dis-lui que je le rappellerai plus tard |