Traduction de satisfaire
- [contenter - suj : résultat, travail] Conjugaison to satisfy, to give satisfaction to[ - suj : explication] Conjugaison to satisfyelle est difficile à satisfaire she's hard to pleasevotre rapport ne me satisfait pas du tout I'm not satisfied at all with your report, I don't find your report at all satisfactoryce que j'ai me satisfait pleinement I'm quite content with what I've gotj'espère que cet arrangement vous satisfera I hope (that) you'll find this arrangement satisfactory ou to your satisfaction
- [répondre à - attente] Conjugaison to come ou to live up to[ - demande] Conjugaison to meet, to satisfy, to cope with (inseparable), to keep up with (inseparable)[ - soif] Conjugaison to satisfy, to quench, to slakeil reste des revendications non satisfaites there are still a few demands which haven't been metsatisfaire un besoin naturel (euphémisme) to relieve oneself