Traduction de rejoindre
- [retrouver] Conjugaison to meet (up with) (inseparable), to join[avec effort] to catch up withil est parti rejoindre sa femme he went to meet up with ou join ou rejoin his wifeil a rejoint le gros du peloton he's caught up with the pack
- [retourner à] Conjugaison to get back ou to return toil a reçu l'ordre de rejoindre son régiment he was ordered to rejoin his regiment
- [aboutir à] Conjugaison to join ou to meet (up with)le chemin rejoint la route à la hauteur de la borne the path meets ou joins (up with) the road at the milestone
- [être d'accord avec] to agree withmon point de vue rejoint entièrement le vôtre my point of view is much the same as ou very similar to yoursje ne peux vous rejoindre sur ce point I cannot agree ou see eye to eye with you (on this matter)politique [adhérer à] Conjugaison to joinelle a fini par rejoindre l'opposition she ended up joining the opposition