Traduction de lui
[lɥi]pronom personnel
- [représentant le genre masculin ou féminin]
- [complément - homme] him[ - animal domestique] him, herje lui ai parlé I spoke to him/heril a rencontré Hélène et (il) lui a plu he met Helen and she liked himil entend qu'on lui obéisse he means to be obeyedil le lui a présenté he introduced him to him/herdonne-le-lui give it to him/herça ne lui rapporte rien he/she isn't getting anything out of itil lui est difficile de venir it's difficult for him/her to come
- [se substituant à l'adjectif possessif] il lui a serré la main he shook his/her hand
- [complément - homme] him
- [représentant le genre masculin]
- [sujet - personne] he[ - animal domestique] heelle est charmante, mais lui est impossible she's charming but he's infuriatinglui ne voulait pas en entendre parler he didn't want to hear anything about itsi j'étais lui... if I were him...quant à lui, il n'était pas là as for him, he wasn't therequi ira avec elle ? — lui who'll go with her ? — he willlui aussi se pose des questions he is wondering about it too
- [avec un présentatif] c'est lui qui vous le demande he's asking youc'est encore lui ? is it him again ?c'est tout lui ! that's typical of him !, that's him all over !
- [complément - personne] him[ - animal domestique] himen ce moment on ne voit que lui you see him everywhere at the momentelle ne veut que lui pour avocat he's the only lawyer she will accept, she won't have any lawyer but himelle ne lui a pas plu, à lui he didn't like her at allje vais chez lui I'm going to his housecette valise n'est pas à lui ? isn't that his suitcase ?, doesn't that suitcase belong to him ?une amie à lui a friend of hissans lui, tout était perdu without him ou if it hadn't been for him, all would have been lostil a réussi à le soulever à lui (tout) seul he managed to lift it on his own ou without any help
- [en fonction de pronom réfléchi] himselfil ne pense qu'à lui he only thinks of himself
- [sujet - personne] he