Traduction de déclaration
[deklarasjɔ̃]nom féminin
- [communication] statement[proclamation] declarationfaire une déclaration à la presse to issue a statement to the pressje ne ferai aucune déclaration ! no comment !déclaration de guerre/d'indépendance declaration of war/of independencela Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen the Declaration of Human Rights (of 1791)déclaration de principe declaration of principle
- [témoignage] statementfaire une déclaration aux gendarmes to make a statement to the policeselon les déclarations du témoin according to the witness's statementdéclaration sous serment sworn statement, statement under oath
- administration declarationfaire une déclaration à la douane to declare something at customsfaire une déclaration à son assurance to file a claim with one's insurance companydéclaration de perte : faire une déclaration de perte de passeport à la police to report the loss of one's passport to the policedéclaration de décès official registration of death (submitted to the Mairie)déclaration d'impôts tax returndéclaration de naissance birth registrationdéclaration de sinistre damage claim
- [aveu] declarationfaire une déclaration d'amour ou sa déclaration (à quelqu'un) to declare one's love (to somebody)
- informatique declaration
People in France are required to declare their taxable earnings at the beginning of the year for the previous calendar year. Thrice-yearly tax payments (tiers provisionnels) are based on one third of the previous year's total, the final payment being adjusted according to the actual tax owed. It is also possible to pay tax on a monthly basis. This is known as mensualisation. |
Adopted by the National Assembly on 4th August 1789, the Declaration proclaims the inalienable natural right of all men to freedom, condemns the privileged class of the Ancien Régime and declares all citizens equal before the law. In 1793, the preface to the Constitution added the right to education, work and freedom of assembly to the text of 1789. |