Traduction de rentrée



nom féminin
  1. éducation
      rentrée (scolaire ou des classes)    start of the (new) academic year
      depuis la rentrée de Noël/Pâques    since the spring/summer term began, since the Christmas/Easter break
      la rentrée est fixée au 6 septembre    school starts again ou schools reopen on September 6th
      j'irai le mardi de la rentrée    I'll go on the first Tuesday of the (new) term
      c'est quand, la rentrée, chez vous ?    when do you go back ? (to school, college etc.)
      les vitrines de la rentrée    back-to-school window displays
  2. [au Parlement]     reopening (of Parliament), new (parliamentary) session
      faire sa rentrée politique
    1. [après les vacances]     to start the new political season (after the summer)
    2. [après une absence]     to make one's (political) comeback
  3. [saison artistique]
      la rentrée musicale/théâtrale    the new musical/theatrical season (after the summer break)
      le disque sortira à la rentrée    the record will be released in the autumn (UK) ou fall (US)
      pour votre rentrée parisienne
    1. [après les vacances]     for the start of your autumn (UK) ou fall (US) season in Paris
    2. [après une absence]     for your Paris comeback
  4. [retour - des vacances d'été]     (beginning of the) autumn (UK) ou fall (US)
    [ - de congé ou de week-end]     return to work
      la rentrée a été dure    it was hard to get back to work after the summer holidays (UK) ou vacation (US)
    transports    city-bound traffic
  5. jeux    pick-up
  6. [des foins]     bringing ou taking in


nom féminin pluriel
finance    income, money coming in
  avoir des rentrées (d'argent) régulières    to have a regular income ou money coming in regularly
  rentrées de caisse    cash receipts
  rentrées fiscales    tax receipts ou revenue
The time of the year when children go back to school has considerable cultural significance in France ; coming after the long summer break or grandes vacances, it is the time when academic, political, social and commercial activity begins again in earnest.

Mots proches

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  • Paige: “Does the house have a laundry room?” Paige wanted to know … the house had a laundry room.