Traduction de résistance



nom féminin
  1. [combativité]     resistance
      elle a opposé une résistance farouche à ses agresseurs    she put up a fierce resistance to her attackers
      il s'est laissé emmener sans résistance    he let himself be taken away quietly ou without resistance
  2. [rébellion]     resistance
      résistance active/passive    active/passive resistance
      la Résistance histoire    the (French) Resistance
  3. [obstacle]     resistance
      en fermant le tiroir j'ai senti une résistance    when I shut the drawer I felt some resistance
  4. [robustesse]     resistance, stamina
      elle a survécu grâce à sa résistance exceptionnelle    she survived thanks to her great powers of resistance
      résistance à la fatigue/au froid    resistance to tiredness/cold
      les limites de la résistance humaine    the limits of human resistance ou endurance
  5. technologie    resistance, strength
      résistance aux chocs    resilience
      résistance des matériaux    strength of materials
  6. électricité    resistance
    [dispositif chauffant]     element
      quelle est l'unité de résistance en électricité ?    what's the unit of electrical resistance ?
  7. psychologie    resistance
This underground anti-German movement was created after the French-German armistice, in 1940, and gained momentum after General de Gaulle's radio call from London on 18th June of the same year. The movement won the active support of the French Communist Party after German troops invaded the USSR. In his ambition to impose himself as the leader of a united resistance movement, General de Gaulle integrated all major clandestine groups into the Conseil national de la Résistance. In May 1943, he created the French Committee of National Liberation in Algeria, which later became the provisional government for France in 1944.

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