Traduction de maîtrise
[metriz]nom féminin
- [contrôle] mastery, controlavoir la maîtrise des mers to have complete mastery of the seasa maîtrise du japonais est étonnante she has an amazing command of Japaneseavoir la maîtrise d'un art to have mastered ou to master an artelle exécuta le morceau avec une grande maîtrise she performed the piece masterfully ou with great skillmaîtrise de soi self-control, self-possession
- [dans une entreprise] supervising staff
- université ≃ master's degreeelle a une maîtrise de géographie she has a master's (degree) ou an MA in geography, she mastered in geography (US)
- religion [chœur] choir
A degree obtained with one year's study after the licence. Students must attend seminars and prepare a long paper called a mémoire. |