Traduction de journal
(pl journaux) [ʒurnal, o]nom masculin
- [publication] paper, newspaperjournal du matin/soir/dimanche morning/evening/Sunday paper ou newspaperc'est dans ou sur le journal it's in the paperjournal grand format broadsheetjournal à scandale ou à sensation scandal sheetjournal interne in-house newspaperle Journal officiel (de la République Française) official publication in which public notices appear, ≃ Hansard (UK), ≃ Federal Register (US)
- [bureau] office, paper
- radio & télévision [informations] journal parlé radio newsjournal télévisé television newsils l'ont dit au journal (familier) they said so on the news
- [carnet] diary, journaljournal *() private diarytenir un journal to keep a diaryjournal de bord nautique log, logbook
- commerce account book
This bulletin diffuses information about new laws, includes parliamentary debates, and informs the public of any important government business. New companies are obliged by law to publish an announcement in the Journal officiel. |