Traduction de Jourdain Jourdain [ʒurdε̃]nom propre masculin le Jourdain the (River) Jordan Jourdain [ʒurdε̃]nom propre Monsieur Jourdain main character in Molière's 'le Bourgeois Gentilhomme' (1670), who takes lessons in his attempt to become a gentleman ; best remembered for his amazed discovery that he has been speaking prose all his life
Traduction de Jourdain Jourdain [ʒurdε̃]nom propre masculin le Jourdain the (River) Jordan Jourdain [ʒurdε̃]nom propre Monsieur Jourdain main character in Molière's 'le Bourgeois Gentilhomme' (1670), who takes lessons in his attempt to become a gentleman ; best remembered for his amazed discovery that he has been speaking prose all his life
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. The actors were …. We had a great time. amused amusing