Traduction de conseil



nom masculin
  1. [avis]     piece of advice, counsel (soutenu)
      un conseil d'ami    a friendly piece of advice
      des conseils
    1. [d'ami]     advice
    2. [trucs]     tips, hints
      agir sur/suivre le conseil de quelqu'un    to act on/to take somebody's advice
      demander conseil à quelqu'un    to ask somebody's advice, to ask somebody for advice
      prendre conseil auprès de quelqu'un    to take advice from somebody
  2. [conseiller]     adviser, consultant
    (comme adjectif; avec ou sans trait d'union)
      ingénieur conseil    consultant engineer
      avocat conseil    legal consultant
      conseil conjugal    marriage-guidance counsellor
      conseil en publicité    advertising consultant
      conseil en organisation    organizational consultant
      conseil fiscal    tax consultant
      conseil juridique    legal adviser
  3. [assemblée]     board
    [réunion]     meeting
      tenir conseil    to hold a meeting
      conseil d'administration
    1. [d'une société]     board of directors
    2. [d'une organisation internationale]     governing body
      conseil de cabinet    cabinet council, council of ministers
      le Conseil constitutionnel   French government body ensuring that laws, elections and referenda are constitutional
      le Conseil économique et social   consultative body advising the government on economic and social matters
      le Conseil d'État    the (French) Council of State
      le Conseil de l'Europe    the Council of Europe
      le Conseil européen    the European Council
      conseil de famille    board of guardians
      conseil général   county council
      conseil de guerre
    1. [réunion]     war council,   War Cabinet
    2. [tribunal]     court-martial
      passer en conseil de guerre    to be court-martialled
      conseil interministériel    interministerial council
      le Conseil des ministres   the Cabinet
      conseil municipal
    1. [en ville]   town council,,   local (urban) council
    2. [à la campagne]   parish council (UK),   local (rural) council
      conseil de prud'hommes    industrial arbitration court,   ACAS (UK)
      conseil régional    regional council
      conseil de révision militaire    recruiting board, draft board (US)
      le Conseil de sécurité    the Security Council
      le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature   French state body that appoints members of the judiciary
  4. éducation
      conseil de classe    staff meeting (concerning a class)
      conseil de discipline    disciplinary committee
      conseil d'école   committee responsible for internal organization of a primary school
      conseil d'établissement   board of governors (UK),   board of education (US)
      conseil des maîtres   teachers' committee at a primary school
      conseil des professeurs   termly meeting of teachers to discuss progress made by individual pupils
      conseil d'UFR    departmental (management) committee
      Conseil d'Université   university Senate (UK),   Board of Trustees (US)

de bon conseil

locution adjectivale
  un homme de bon conseil    a man of sound advice, a wise counsellor
  demande-lui, elle est de bon conseil    ask her, she's good at giving advice
The Conseil constitutionnel, which ensures that new laws do not contravene the constitution, has nine members appointed for a nine-year period ; it also includes the surviving former Presidents of France. The President of the Republic and any member of parliament can refer laws to the Conseil Constitutionnel for scrutiny.

The French Council of State acts both as the highest court to which the legal affairs of the state can be referred, and as a consultative body to which bills and rulings are submitted by the government prior to examination by the Conseil des ministres. It has 200 members.

The President himself presides over the Conseil des ministres, which traditionally meets every Wednesday morning ; strictly speaking, when ministers assemble in the sole presence of the Prime Minister, this is known as le Conseil du cabinet.

The body responsible for the administration of a département. Members are elected for a six-year term, with one councillor per canton, and are headed by the président du conseil général.

The committee body for the administration of a région. Members are elected for a six-year term and are headed by the président du conseil régional. They decide on matters of planning, construction, regional development and education.

This state body advises on the appointment of members of the magistrature, and on specific points of law concerning the judiciary. It is also consulted when the president wishes to exercise his official pardon. It has ten members : the Minister of Justice and nine others appointed by the President of the Republic.

The town council is elected during the municipales (local elections). Elected members, or conseillers municipaux, oversee the administration of a commune in conjunction with the mayor.

les conseils
Demander conseil
What should I do ? Qu'est-ce que je dois faire ?
What would you do, if you were me ? Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si tu étais moi ?
What would you do in my place ? Qu'est-ce que tu ferais à ma place ?
Do you think I should tell him ? Tu crois que je devrais le lui dire ?
I could do with ou I need some advice. J'aurais besoin d'un conseil
Donner un conseil
Why don't you (just) tell her ? Pourquoi ne pas le lui dire (carrément) ?
Take my advice and say nothing to her. Je te conseille de ne rien lui dire
If I were you, I'd phone him. Si j'étais toi, je l'appellerais
If you ask me, I think you should resign. Si tu veux mon avis, je pense que tu devrais démissionner
Perhaps ou maybe you should warn him. Peut-être que tu devrais le prévenir
I'd think twice about going. Je réfléchirais à deux fois avant d'y aller
You could always try writing to him. Ce serait peut-être pas mal de lui écrire
It might be better to do it yourself. Ce serait peut-être mieux que tu le fasses toi-même
Now listen to me : you really must go and see a doctor. Écoute, il faut absolument que tu ailles voir un médecin
If you want my advice, you'll pretend it never happened. Si tu veux mon avis, fais comme si rien ne s'était passé
I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... Ne le prends pas mal, mais...
It's not really any of my business, but... Je sais que ça ne me regarde pas, mais...

Mots proches

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