Traduction de caisse
[kεs]nom féminin
- [fût de tambour] cylindercaisse claire side ou snare drumcaisse de résonance resonance chamber, resonating bodygrosse caisse
- [tambour] bass drum
- [musicien] bass drummer
- [corps de violon] belly, sounding board
- [d'horloge] case, casing
- [fût de tambour] cylinder
- [carrosserie] body
- (familier) [voiture] car
- rail water tank
- anatomiecaisse du tympan middle ear, tympanic cavity (terme spécialisé)
- (locution) il part ou s'en va de la caisse (familier) it's his cough that'll carry him off (humoristique)
- anatomie
- [tiroir] till[petit coffre] cashboxcaisse (enregistreuse) till ou cash registertenir la caisse to be the cashierpartir avec la caisse to run off with the takingsfaire une caisse commune to put one's money together, to have a kittyles caisses de l'État the coffers of the State
- [lieu de paiement - d'un supermarché] check-out, till[ - d'une banque] cashier's deskpasser à la caisse
- [magasin] to go to the cash desk
- [supermarché] to go through the check-out
- [banque] to go to the cashier's desk
- [recevoir son salaire] to collect one's wages
après ce qu'il a dit au patron, il n'a plus qu'à passer à la caisse ! (familier) after what he said to the boss, he'll be getting his cards (UK) ou pink slip (US) !caisse éclair [distributeur] cashpointcaisse rapide [dans un supermarché] quick-service till, express checkout - [argent - d'un commerce] cash (in the till), takingsfaire la ou sa caisse to balance the tillcaisse noire slush fund
- banquecaisse d'épargne ≃ savings bank
- [tiroir] till
- [organisme] officecaisse d'Allocations familiales Child Benefit office (UK), Aid to Dependent Children office (US)la Caisse des dépôts et consignations French funding body for public works and housingcaisse de prévoyance contingency fundcaisse primaire d'Assurance maladie French Social Security office in charge of medical insurancecaisse de retraite pension ou superannuation fund
- [fonds] fund, funds
- [organisme] office