Traduction de aligner
- [mettre en rang] Conjugaison to line up (separable), to align
- militaire [soldats, tanks] Conjugaison to line up (separable), to form into linesadministration & militaire to bring into alignment
- [présenter - preuves] to produce one by one
- [mettre en conformité] aligner quelque chose sur to line something up with, to bring something into line withchaque membre doit aligner sa politique sur celle de la Communauté each member state must bring its policies into line with those of the Community
- (très familier & locution) les aligner [payer] to cough up, to fork out
- [foule, élèves] Conjugaison to line up, to form a line[soldats] to fall into line
- (très familier & locution) il peut toujours s'aligner ! he's got no chance (of getting anywhere) !