Traduction de accent
[aksɑ̃]nom masculin
- [prononciation] accentavoir un accent to speak with ou to have an accentil n'a pas d'accent he doesn't have an accentl'accent du midi a southern (French) accent
- phonétique stressaccent tonique
- tonic accent
- [signe] stress mark
mettre l'accent sur- (sens propre) to stress
- (figuré) to stress, to emphasize
- [signe graphique] accentaccent grave/circonflexe/aigu grave/circumflex/acute (accent)e accent grave/aigu e grave/acute
- [inflexion] note, accentun accent de sincérité/d'émotion a note of sincerity/of emotionavoir l'accent de la vérité to ring true