Traduction de étriper étriper [etripe]verbe transitif Conjugaison [poisson] Conjugaison to gut [volaille, gibier] Conjugaison to draw, Conjugaison to clean out (separable)(familier) [tuer] je vais l'étriper, celui-là ! I'm going to kill him ou to make mincemeat of him ou to have his guts for garters ! s'étriper (familier)verbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réciproque) to tear each other to pieces ils allaient s'étriper they were at each other's throats
Traduction de étriper étriper [etripe]verbe transitif Conjugaison [poisson] Conjugaison to gut [volaille, gibier] Conjugaison to draw, Conjugaison to clean out (separable)(familier) [tuer] je vais l'étriper, celui-là ! I'm going to kill him ou to make mincemeat of him ou to have his guts for garters ! s'étriper (familier)verbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réciproque) to tear each other to pieces ils allaient s'étriper they were at each other's throats
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Meg …. hasn't been crying haven't been crying