( f tanta )adjetivo
1. | [gran cantidad]
so much ( pl
so many)
tanto dinero so much money, such a lot of money tanta gente so many people tiene tanto entusiasmo/tantos amigos que ... she has so much enthusiasm/so many friends that ... |
2. | [cantidad indeterminada]
so much ( pl
so many)
nos daban tantos euros al día they used to give us so many euros per day cuarenta y tantos forty-something, forty-odd nos conocimos en el sesenta y tantos we met sometime in the Sixties |
3. | [en comparaciones]
tanto ... como as much ... as ( pl as many ... as) |
( f tanta )pronombre
1. | [gran cantidad]
so much ( pl
so many)
¿cómo puedes tener tantos? how can you have so many? |
2. | [cantidad indeterminada]
so much ( pl
so many)
a tantos de agosto on such and such a date in August |
3. | [igual cantidad]
as much ( pl
so many)
había mucha gente aquí, allí no había tanta there were a lot of people here, but not as many there otro tanto as much again, the same again otro tanto le ocurrió a los demás the same thing happened to the rest of them |
4. | (loc)
ser uno de tantos to be nothing special |
sustantivo masculino
1. | [punto]
[gol] goal marcar un tanto to score |
2. | (figurado)
apuntarse un tanto to earn oneself a point |
3. | [cantidad indeterminada]
un tanto so much, a certain amount tanto por ciento percentage |
4. | (loc)
estar al tanto (de) to be on the ball (about) |
1. | [mucho]
tanto (que ...) [cantidad] so much (that ...) [tiempo] so long (that ...) no bebas tanto don't drink so much de eso hace tanto que ya no me acordaba it's been so long since that happened that I don't even remember ¿tanto te gusta? do you like it that much? tanto mejor/peor so much the better/worse tanto más cuanto que ... all the more so because ... |
2. | [en comparaciones]
tanto como as much as tanto hombres como mujeres both men and women tanto si estoy como si no whether I'm there or not |
3. | (loc)
¡y tanto! most certainly!, you bet! |
sustantivo femenino plural
eran las tantas it was very late
en tanto (que)
locución conjuntiva
entre tanto
locución adverbial
por (lo) tanto
locución conjuntiva
therefore, so
tanto (es así) que
locución conjuntiva
so much so that
un tanto
locución adverbial
[un poco] a bit, rather