Traduction de trouble trouble [trubl]adjectif [eau] cloudy, murky [vin] cloudy [image] blurred [photo] blurred, out-of-focus [regard, verre] misty, dull [confus] vague, unclear, imprecise [équivoque] equivocal, ambiguous [peu honnête] dubious une affaire trouble a murky business personnage trouble suspicious character trouble [trubl]adverbe through a blur je vois trouble everything ou my vision is blurred
Traduction de trouble trouble [trubl]adjectif [eau] cloudy, murky [vin] cloudy [image] blurred [photo] blurred, out-of-focus [regard, verre] misty, dull [confus] vague, unclear, imprecise [équivoque] equivocal, ambiguous [peu honnête] dubious une affaire trouble a murky business personnage trouble suspicious character trouble [trubl]adverbe through a blur je vois trouble everything ou my vision is blurred
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