Traduction de public
(f publique) [pyblik]adjectif
- [ouvert à tous] publicla séance est publique it's an open session
- [connu] public, well-knownsa nomination a été rendue publique ce matin his nomination was officially announced ou was made public this morningl'homme public the man the public sees
- [de l'État] public, state (modificateur)
nom masculin
- [population] publicle grand public the general public, the public at large
- [audience - d'un spectacle] public, audience[ - d'un match] spectatorspublic féminin/familial female/family audiences'adresser à un vaste public/à un public restreint to address a vast/limited audiencec'est un excellent livre, mais qui n'a pas encore trouvé son public although the book is excellent, it hasn't yet found the readership it deservesêtre bon public to be easy to please
- [secteur] le public the public sector