Traduction de opérer
- médecine [blessé, malade] to operate onelle a été opérée de l'appendicite she was operated on for appendicitis, she had her appendix removedon va l'opérer d'un kyste au poignet they're going to remove a cyst from her wristse faire opérer to undergo ou to have surgery(en usage absolu)le chirurgien a opéré toute la matinée the surgeon was in the operating theatre all morning
- [procéder à - modification] Conjugaison to carry out (separable)[ - paiement] Conjugaison to maketu dois opérer un choix you have to choose ou to make a choicele pays tente d'opérer un redressement économique the country is attempting to bring about an economic recovery
- militaire [retraite] Conjugaison to effect
- [faire effet] Conjugaison to work
- [intervenir] Conjugaison to act, Conjugaison to operate