Traduction de honorer



verbe transitif Conjugaison
  1. [rendre hommage à]     to honour
  2. [respecter, estimer]     to honour
      tu honoreras ta famille    you will respect your family
  3. [contribuer à la réputation de]     to honour, to be a credit ou an honour to
      votre sincérité vous honore    your sincerity does you credit
  4. [gratifier]     to honour
      votre présence m'honore    you honour me with your presence
  5. [payer]
      honorer un chèque    to honour a cheque
  6. religion
      honorer Dieu    to honour ou to praise God

s'honorer de

verbe pronominal plus préposition
   to be proud of, to take pride in, to pride oneself upon

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  • When she was young, Eileen … do a lot of sports, but now she runs every other day.