Traduction de grandir
- [devenir grand] Conjugaison to growsa fille a grandi de cinq centimètres her daughter is five centimetres taller (than when I last saw her)je te trouve grandie you've grown ou you look taller since I last saw youun enfant qui aurait grandi trop vite a lanky child
- [mûrir] Conjugaison to grow upj'ai compris en grandissant I understood as I grew up ou older
- [s'intensifier - bruit] Conjugaison to increase, to grow louder
- [s'étendre - ville] Conjugaison to spread
- (figuré) grandir en force/sagesse/beauté to get stronger/wiser/more beautiful, to grow in strength/wisdom/beautyil a grandi dans mon estime he has gone up in my esteem
- [faire paraître plus grand] ces talons hauts la grandissent encore these high-heeled shoes make her (look) even taller
- [exagérer l'importance de] Conjugaison to exaggerate, Conjugaison to overstate
- [ennoblir] ils n'en sortent pas vraiment grandis they don't come out of it terribly well, it hasn't done much for their reputation