Traduction de fracas fracas [fraka]nom masculin [bruit] crash, roar le fracas de la circulation sur l'avenue the roar of the traffic on the avenue à grand fracaslocution adverbiale [bruyamment] with a great deal of crashing and banging [spectaculairement] with a lot of fuss
Traduction de fracas fracas [fraka]nom masculin [bruit] crash, roar le fracas de la circulation sur l'avenue the roar of the traffic on the avenue à grand fracaslocution adverbiale [bruyamment] with a great deal of crashing and banging [spectaculairement] with a lot of fuss
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Nigel: “I must put off the meeting.” Nigel said he … put off the meeting. has to might had to