Traduction de crier
- [généralement] Conjugaison to cry (out)[d'une voix perçante] Conjugaison to scream, to screech, to shriekne fais pas crier ta mère ! don't get your mother angry !crier de douleur to scream with ou to cry out in paincrier de joie to shout for joycrier de plaisir to cry out with pleasurecrier comme un sourd (familier) to shout one's head offcrier comme un damné ou putois ou veau
- (familier) [fort] to shout ou to yell at the top of one's voice
- [avec des sons aigus] to squeal like a stuck pig
- [protester] to scream blue murder
crier à : crier à l'injustice to call it an injusticecrier au miracle to hail it as a miraclecrier au scandale to call it a scandal, to cry shamecrier à l'assassin to cry blue murdercrier au loup to cry wolfcrier au voleur to cry (stop) thiefcrier à l'aide ou au secours to shout for help, to cry for help - zoologie [oiseau] Conjugaison to call
- [freins, pneu] Conjugaison to squeak, Conjugaison to screech
- [dire d'une voix forte - avertissement] Conjugaison to shout ou to cry (out)[ - insultes, ordres] Conjugaison to bawl ou to yell out (separable)elle nous cria de partir she shouted at us to gosans crier gare
- [arriver] without warning
- [partir] without so much as a by-your-leave
- [faire savoir] crier son innocence to proclaim ou to protest one's innocencecrier famine to complain of hungercrier misère [se plaindre] to complain of hardshipcrier victoire to crow (over one's victory)crier contre to complain ou to shout about (inseparable)crier quelque chose sur les toits
- [le rendre public] to shout ou to proclaim something from the rooftops
- [s'en vanter] to let everyone know about something
- [demander] crier vengeance to call for revengecrier grâce
- (sens propre) to beg for mercy
- (figuré) to cry for mercy
crier après
(familier)verbe plus préposition
- [s'adresser à] Conjugaison to shout ou to yell at
- [réprimander] Conjugaison to scold