Traduction de conseiller
, conseillère
[kɔ̃seje, εr]nom masculin, nom féminin
- [guide] adviser, counsellor (UK), counselor (US)[spécialiste] adviserconseiller économique/juridique economic/legal adviserconseiller conjugal ou matrimonial marriage guidance counsellor
- éducationconseiller d'éducation non-teaching staff member in charge of general disciplineconseiller d'orientation careers adviser (UK), guidance counselor (US)conseiller pédagogique educational adviser
- [membre d'un conseil] councillor (UK), councilor (US), council memberadministrationconseiller d'État member of the Conseil d'Étatconseiller municipal
- [en ville] ≃ local ou town councillor
- [à la campagne] ≃ local councillor
conseiller régional regional councillor
This term refers to any member of the conseil municipal or the mayor himself. The number of councillors depends on the size of the town, although there must be a minimum of six. Paris has 163 councillors, known as the conseillers de Paris. |