Traduction de comble
[kɔ̃bl]nom masculin
- [summum] le comble de the height ou epitome ofle comble du chic the ultimate in chicdu champagne et, comble du luxe, du caviar champagne and, oh, height of luxury, caviare(c'est) un ou le comble ! that beats everything !, that takes the biscuit ! (UK) ou takes the cake ! (US)le comble, c'est que ... to crown ou to cap it all...les objectifs ne sont pas atteints, un comble pour une usine-pilote ! they haven't fulfilled their objectives, which is just not on for a model factory !
- [charpente] roof timbers ou gablecomble mansardé mansard roofles combles the attic
à son comble
locution adverbiale
at its height
la panique était à son comble the panic was at its height