Traduction de circulation
[sirkylasjɔ̃]nom féminin
- transportsla circulation des camions est interdite le dimanche lorries are not allowed to run on Sundaysil y a de la/peu de circulation aujourd'hui the traffic is heavy/there isn't much traffic todaycirculation aérienne/ferroviaire/routière air/rail/road traffic
- [du sang, de l'air, d'un fluide] circulationavoir une bonne/mauvaise circulation to have good/bad circulation
- [déplacement] spread, movementla libre circulation des marchandises the free movement of goodsla circulation des capitaux économie the movement of capital
- [circuit] enlever ou retirer de la circulation
- commerce to take off the market
- (figuré) to take out of circulation
être en circulation to be on the marketmettre en circulation- [argent] to put into circulation
- commerce to bring out, to put on the market