Traduction de bancal bancal (f bancale, mpl bancals) [bɑ̃kal]adjectif [meuble] rickety, wobbly [personne] lame [peu cohérent - idée, projet] unsound [ - raisonnement] weak, unsound la proposition est un peu bancale the proposal doesn't really stand up to examination
Traduction de bancal bancal (f bancale, mpl bancals) [bɑ̃kal]adjectif [meuble] rickety, wobbly [personne] lame [peu cohérent - idée, projet] unsound [ - raisonnement] weak, unsound la proposition est un peu bancale the proposal doesn't really stand up to examination
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Are you sure … to come? he is going is he going going to