Traduction de lame lame [leɪm]adjective [person, horse] boiteux to be lame boiter to go lame se mettre à boiter his left leg is lame, he's lame in his left leg il boite de la jambe gauche [weak - excuse] piètre, bancal [ - argument, reasoning] boiteux [ - plot] boiteux, bancal(US, informal) [conventional] vieux jeu (invariable) lame [leɪm]transitive verb Conjugaison Conjugaison estropier lame [leɪm]plural noun the lame les boiteux mpl
Traduction de lame lame [leɪm]adjective [person, horse] boiteux to be lame boiter to go lame se mettre à boiter his left leg is lame, he's lame in his left leg il boite de la jambe gauche [weak - excuse] piètre, bancal [ - argument, reasoning] boiteux [ - plot] boiteux, bancal(US, informal) [conventional] vieux jeu (invariable) lame [leɪm]transitive verb Conjugaison Conjugaison estropier lame [leɪm]plural noun the lame les boiteux mpl
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. I didn't buy anything, I … a shop. could find couldn't find couldn't