Traduction de application



nom féminin
  1. [pose]     application
      laisser sécher après l'application de la première couche    allow to dry after applying the first coat of paint
  2. [mise en pratique - d'une loi]     application, enforcement
    [ - d'une sentence]     enforcement
      mesures prises en application de la loi    measures taken to enforce the law, law-enforcement measures
      mettre quelque chose en application    to put something into practice, to apply something
  3. sciences & technologie    application
  4. [soin]     application
      travailler avec application    to work diligently, to apply oneself (to one's work)
  5. mathématiques    mapping, function
  6. inform    application

Mots proches

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  • If I … enough money in my young years, I would have travelled.