Traduction de alourdir
- [ajouter du poids à] Conjugaison to weigh down (separable), to make heavy ou heavierl'emballage alourdit le paquet de 200 grammes the wrapping makes the parcel heavier by 200 grammesalourdi par la fatigue heavy with exhaustion
- [style, allure, traits] to make heavier ou coarser[impôts] Conjugaison to increasecette répétition alourdit la phrase the repetition makes the sentence unwieldy
- [grossir - personne] to put on weight
- [devenir lourd] to become heavy ou heavierses paupières s'alourdissaient his eyelids were beginning to droop ou were getting heavysa démarche s'est alourdie he walks more heavily
- [devenir plus grossier] to get coarserses traits s'alourdissent his features are getting coarser