
verbo intransitivo Conjugaison
1. [no haber]   to be lacking, to be needed
 falta aire   there's not enough air
 falta sal   it needs a bit of salt
2. [estar ausente]   to be absent o missing
 falta Elena   Elena is missing
3. [carecer]
 le faltan las fuerzas   he lacks o doesn't have the strength
4. [hacer falta]   to be necessary
 me falta tiempo   I need time
5. [quedar]
 falta un mes para las vacaciones   there's a month to go till the holidays
 sólo te falta firmar   all you have to do is sign
 ¿cuánto falta para Leeds?   how much further is it to Leeds?
 falta mucho por hacer   there is still a lot to be done
 falta poco para que llegue   it won't be long till he arrives
 faltó poco para que le matase   I very nearly killed him
6. (loc)
 ¡no faltaba o faltaría más! [asentimiento]   of course!
[rechazo]   that tops it all!, that's a bit much!


faltar a

verbo intransitivo
1. [palabra, promesa]   Conjugaison to break, not to keep
[deber, obligación]   Conjugaison to neglect
2. [cita, trabajo]   not to turn up at
 ¡no faltes (a la cita)!   don't miss it!, be there!
3. [no respetar]   to be disrespectful towards
 faltar a alguien en algo   to offend somebody in something
4. [defraudar]   Conjugaison to betray, Conjugaison to disappoint

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