Traduction de station
- transport gare f
- [establishment, building] station f, poste m
- military [generally - position] poste mto take up one's station prendre positionaction or battle stations ! à vos postes !
- military [base] poste m, base fairforce station (UK) base aérienne
- radio & television [broadcaster] station f[smaller] poste m émetteurcommercial radio station station de radio commerciale, radio f commerciale
- [social rank] rang m, condition f, situation fto marry below one's station faire une mésallianceto marry above one's station se marier au-dessus de sa condition sociale
- computing station f
- religionthe Stations of the Cross le chemin de la Croix
- [position] Conjugaison placer, poster
- military [garrison] British troops stationed in Germany les troupes britanniques stationnées en Allemagne