
[hæv] (     pt & pp had )
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
(to form perfect tenses)   Conjugaison haber
 to have eaten   haber comido
 I've been on holiday   he estado de vacaciones
 we've never met before   no nos conocemos
 he hasn't gone yet, has he?   no se habrá ido ya ¿no?
 I've finished — have you?   he terminado — ¿ah sí?
 no, he hasn't (done it)   no, no lo ha hecho
 yes, he has (done it)   sí, lo ha hecho
 I was out of breath, having run all the way   estaba sin aliento después de haber corrido todo el camino



[hæv] (     pt & pp had )
transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [possess, receive]
 to have (got)   tener
 I have no money, I haven't got any money   no tengo dinero
 he has big hands   tiene las manos grandes
 I've got things to do   tengo cosas que hacer
 I had a letter from her   tuve carta de ella
 she's got loads of imagination   tiene mucha imaginación
 do you have a car?/have you got a car?   ¿tienes coche?
2. [experience, suffer]   Conjugaison tener
 I had an accident   tuve un accidente
 I had a nasty surprise   me llevé una desagradable sorpresa
 to have a cold   tener un resfriado
 to have a good time   pasarlo bien
3. (referring to an action, instead of another verb)
 it will have no effect   no tendrá ningún efecto
 to have a look   mirar, echar una mirada
 to have a walk   dar un paseo
 to have a swim   darse un baño, nadar
 to have breakfast   desayunar
 to have lunch   comer
 to have dinner   cenar
 to have a cigarette   fumarse un cigarrillo
 to have an operation   operarse
4. [give birth to]
 to have a baby   tener un niño
5. [cause to be done]
 to have somebody do something   hacer que alguien haga algo
 she had me clean my teeth again   me hizo lavarme los dientes otra vez
 to have something done   hacer que se haga algo
 I'm having the house decorated   voy a contratar a alguien para que me decore la casa
 to have one's hair cut   (ir a) cortarse el pelo
6. [be treated in a certain way]
 I had my car stolen   me robaron el coche
7. (inf) [cheat]
 you've been had   te han timado
 to have it in for somebody   tenerla tomada con alguien
 to have had it car, machine  estar para el arrastre
 these clothes have had it   esta ropa está para tirarla
 I've had it! expressing exhaustion  ¡no puedo más!



[hæv] (     pt & pp had )
modal verb Conjugaison
[be obliged]
 to have (got) to do something   tener que hacer algo
 do you have to go?/have you got to go?   ¿tienes que irte?
 I've got to go to work   tengo que ir a trabajar



plural noun
 the haves and have nots   los ricos y los pobres


have off

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[as holiday]   tener libre


have on

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. [be wearing]   Conjugaison llevar (puesto)
 to have nothing on   no llevar nada encima or puesto
2. [tease]   Conjugaison vacilar, tomar el pelo a
3. [have to do]
 to have (got) a lot on   tener mucho que hacer
 have you got anything on Friday?   ¿estás libre or haces algo el viernes?


have out

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. [have removed]
 to have one's tonsils out   operarse de las amígdalas
 she had a tooth out   le sacaron una muela
2. [discuss frankly]
 to have it out with somebody   poner las cuentas claras con alguien


have up

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
(inf & UK)
 to have somebody up for something   llevar a alguien al juzgado por algo

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