Traduction de voiler
- [couvrir] Conjugaison to veil, to hide, to cover
- [rendre moins net - contours] Conjugaison to veil[enrouer - voix] to make huskyla voix voilée par l'émotion/l'alcool his voice husky with emotion/thick with drink
- (littéraire) [dissimuler - fautes] Conjugaison to conceal, Conjugaison to veil
- photographie Conjugaison to fog
- [déformer - métal] Conjugaison to buckle
se voiler le visage [le couvrir] to wear a veil (over one's face)
se voiler la face to bury one's head in the sand, to hide from the truth
- [lune, soleil] to become hazy[ - de brume] to mist over, to become hazy ou mistyson regard s'était voilé
- [mouillé de larmes] her eyes had misted over ou become blurred (with tears)
- [terni par la mort] her eyes had become glazed
- [voix] Conjugaison to grow ou to become husky
- [métal] Conjugaison to buckle[bois, plastique] to become warped