Traduction de saillant saillant (f saillante) [sajɑ̃, ɑ̃t]adjectif [en relief - veines] prominent [ - os, tendon, menton] protruding [ - muscle, yeux] bulging, protruding [ - rocher] protruding [ - corniche] projecting avoir les pommettes saillantes to have prominent ou high cheekbones [remarquable - trait, fait] salient, outstanding saillantnom masculin [de fortification] salient [angle] salient angle
Traduction de saillant saillant (f saillante) [sajɑ̃, ɑ̃t]adjectif [en relief - veines] prominent [ - os, tendon, menton] protruding [ - muscle, yeux] bulging, protruding [ - rocher] protruding [ - corniche] projecting avoir les pommettes saillantes to have prominent ou high cheekbones [remarquable - trait, fait] salient, outstanding saillantnom masculin [de fortification] salient [angle] salient angle
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Babies …, it's normal. always cry are always crying