Traduction de redire



verbe transitif Conjugaison
  1. [répéter]     to say ou to tell again, to repeat
    [rabâcher]     to keep saying, Conjugaison to repeat
      on lui a dit et redit    he's been told again and again
  2. [rapporter]     to (go and) tell, to repeat
      surtout, n'allez pas le lui redire    whatever you do, don't go and tell him
  3. (locution)
      il n'y avait rien à redire à cela    there was nothing wrong with ou nothing to object to in that
      trouver à redire (à)    to find fault (with)

Mots proches

Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient.

  • Have you … tidied your room? Of course! You were quick!