Traduction de radio
[radjo]nom féminin
- [récepteur] radio
- [diffusion] la radio radio (broadcasting)à la radio on the radiopasser à la radio
- [personne] to be on the radio
- [chanson] to be played on the radio
- [jeu, concert] to be broadcast (on the radio), to be radiocast (US)
- [station] radio stationsur toutes les radios on all stationsRadio France state-owned radio broadcasting companyRadio France Internationale ≃ BBC World Serviceradio locale privée ou libre independent local radio stationradio périphérique radio station broadcasting from outside national territoryradio pirate pirate radio stationradio privée independent ou commercial radio station
- (comme adjectif invariable) militairemessage radio radio message
- médecine X-ray (photograph)passer une radio ou à la radio (familier) to have an X-ray (done), to be X-rayed