Traduction de rabougrir rabougrir [rabugrir]verbe transitif Conjugaison [dessécher] Conjugaison to shrivel (up) [entraver la croissance de] Conjugaison to stunt (the growth of) se rabougrirverbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison [plante] Conjugaison to shrivel (up)(familier) [personne] to become wizened, to become shrivelled (with age)
Traduction de rabougrir rabougrir [rabugrir]verbe transitif Conjugaison [dessécher] Conjugaison to shrivel (up) [entraver la croissance de] Conjugaison to stunt (the growth of) se rabougrirverbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison [plante] Conjugaison to shrivel (up)(familier) [personne] to become wizened, to become shrivelled (with age)