Traduction de ignorer



verbe transitif Conjugaison
  1. [cause, événement etc]     to be unaware of
      j'ignore son adresse/où il est/quand elle revient    I don't know her address/where he is/when she's coming back
      il ignorait tout de son passé/d'elle    he knew nothing about her past/her
      j'ignorais qu'il était malade    I was unaware that he was ill
  2. [personne, regard]     Conjugaison to ignore, to take no notice of
    [avertissement, panneau]     Conjugaison to ignore, to take no heed of
    [ordre, prière]     Conjugaison to ignore
  3. (soutenu) [faim, pauvreté]     to have had no experience of
      il ignore la peur    he knows no fear, he doesn't know the meaning of fear


verbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réciproque)
   to ignore each other


verbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison
  c'est un comédien qui s'ignore    he is unaware of his talent as an actor, he's an actor without knowing it

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  • That's the museum … there are lots of paintings by Hopper.