Traduction de grossir
- [prendre du poids] to put on weightelle a beaucoup grossi she's put on a lot of weightj'ai grossi d'un kilo I've put on a kiloça fait grossir it's fattening
- [augmenter en taille - tumeur, entreprise, somme, troupeau] Conjugaison to grow, to get bigger[ - vague, nuages] to get bigger[ - rumeur] Conjugaison to growles bourgeons/ruisseaux grossissent the buds/streams are swellingle bruit grossit the noise is getting louderle malaise qui règne dans le groupe grossit there is a growing sense of unease within the group
- [faire paraître gros] ta robe te grossit your dress makes you look fatter
- [augmenter] Conjugaison to raise, Conjugaison to swelldes pluies diluviennes ont grossi la rivière the river has been swollen by torrential raingrossir le nombre/les rangs des manifestants to join the growing numbers of demonstrators, to swell the ranks of the demonstrators
- [exagérer] Conjugaison to exaggerate, Conjugaison to overexaggerateon a grossi l'affaire the affair was blown up out of all proportion
- [à la loupe] Conjugaison to magnify, Conjugaison to enlarge