Traduction de embraser
- [incendier] to set ablaze ou on fire, to set fire to
- [illuminer] to set ablaze ou aglowle soleil levant embrasait le ciel the rising sun set the sky aglow
- [rendre brûlant] to make burning hot
- [exalter - imagination] Conjugaison to fire
- [prendre feu] to catch fire, Conjugaison to blaze ou to flare up
- [s'illuminer] to be set ablaze
- [devenir brûlant] to become burning hot
- [s'exalter - âme, imagination] to be set on fire, to be kindled[ - opprimés] Conjugaison to rise uples esprits s'embrasaient
- [par enthousiasme] imaginations were fired
- [par colère] passions were running high