Traduction de contredire contredire [kɔ̃trədir]verbe transitif Conjugaison [personne, propos] Conjugaison to contradict sa version contredit la tienne his version is at variance with ou contradicts yours se contredireverbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réciproque) [personnes] ils se contredisent (l'un l'autre) they contradict each other [témoignages, faits] to be in contradiction (with each other), to contradict each other se contredireverbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réfléchi) il se contredit he contradicts himself
Traduction de contredire contredire [kɔ̃trədir]verbe transitif Conjugaison [personne, propos] Conjugaison to contradict sa version contredit la tienne his version is at variance with ou contradicts yours se contredireverbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réciproque) [personnes] ils se contredisent (l'un l'autre) they contradict each other [témoignages, faits] to be in contradiction (with each other), to contradict each other se contredireverbe pronominal Conjugaison (emploi réfléchi) il se contredit he contradicts himself
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