Traduction de clandestin clandestin (f clandestine) [klɑ̃dεstε̃, in]adjectif [secret] secret, underground, clandestine [illégal] illegal, illicit (soutenu) clandestin, clandestine [klɑ̃dεstε̃, in]nom masculin, nom féminin [passager] stowaway [immigré] illegal immigrant
Traduction de clandestin clandestin (f clandestine) [klɑ̃dεstε̃, in]adjectif [secret] secret, underground, clandestine [illégal] illegal, illicit (soutenu) clandestin, clandestine [klɑ̃dεstε̃, in]nom masculin, nom féminin [passager] stowaway [immigré] illegal immigrant
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. There … a policeman and a lot of firemen where the accident took place. was were