Traduction de bourgeois
(f bourgeoise) [burʒwa, az]adjectif
- [dans un sens marxiste] of the bourgeoisie, bourgeois
- [dans un sens non marxiste] middle-class
- (péjoratif) [caractéristique de la bourgeoisie] goûts bourgeois bourgeois tastes
- [aisé, confortable] intérieur bourgeois comfortable middle-class homequartier bourgeois comfortable residential areacuisinecuisine bourgeoise good plain home cooking
, bourgeoise
[burʒwa, az]nom masculin, nom féminin
- [dans un sens marxiste] bourgeois
- [dans un sens non marxiste] member of the middle classgrand bourgeois member of the upper-middle class
- histoire [au Moyen Âge] burgher[avant la Révolution] member of the third estate
- (Suisse) [citoyen] citizenles bourgeois the townspeople
- (péjoratif) [béotien] Philistine