Traduction de limp limp [lɪmp]intransitive verb Conjugaison Conjugaison boiter [slightly] Conjugaison clopiner she was limping badly elle boitait beaucoup limp [lɪmp]noun to walk with a limp boiter the accident left him with a limp depuis son accident il boite limp [lɪmp]adjective [cloth, lettuce, handshake] mou (f molle) (before vowel or silent 'h' mol) [skin] flasque his body went completely limp il s'affaissa [book - cover, binding] souple
Traduction de limp limp [lɪmp]intransitive verb Conjugaison Conjugaison boiter [slightly] Conjugaison clopiner she was limping badly elle boitait beaucoup limp [lɪmp]noun to walk with a limp boiter the accident left him with a limp depuis son accident il boite limp [lɪmp]adjective [cloth, lettuce, handshake] mou (f molle) (before vowel or silent 'h' mol) [skin] flasque his body went completely limp il s'affaissa [book - cover, binding] souple
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