Traduction de exit exit [ˈeksɪt]noun [way out - from room, motorway] sortie f ‘exit only’ ‘réservé à la sortie’ theatre sortie f, exit m inv [act of going out - from a room] sortie f to make one's exit (figurative) theatre faire sa sortie computing sortie f exit [ˈeksɪt]intransitive verb Conjugaison theatre sortir exit Anne [as stage direction] exit Anne, Anne sort [go out, leave] sortir [bullet] ressortir computing sortir exit [ˈeksɪt]transitive verb Conjugaison computing sortir de [leave] Conjugaison quitter, sortir de
Traduction de exit exit [ˈeksɪt]noun [way out - from room, motorway] sortie f ‘exit only’ ‘réservé à la sortie’ theatre sortie f, exit m inv [act of going out - from a room] sortie f to make one's exit (figurative) theatre faire sa sortie computing sortie f exit [ˈeksɪt]intransitive verb Conjugaison theatre sortir exit Anne [as stage direction] exit Anne, Anne sort [go out, leave] sortir [bullet] ressortir computing sortir exit [ˈeksɪt]transitive verb Conjugaison computing sortir de [leave] Conjugaison quitter, sortir de
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Keith … sport every day. He is very sporty. does makes