Traduction de eating eating [ˈi:tɪŋ]noun eating is one of his favourite pastimes manger constitue un de ses passe-temps favoris eating [ˈi:tɪŋ]adjective [for eating] eating apple/pear pomme f /poire f à couteau eating place or house restaurant m [of eating] eating habits habitudes fpl alimentaires eating disorder trouble m du comportement alimentaire
Traduction de eating eating [ˈi:tɪŋ]noun eating is one of his favourite pastimes manger constitue un de ses passe-temps favoris eating [ˈi:tɪŋ]adjective [for eating] eating apple/pear pomme f /poire f à couteau eating place or house restaurant m [of eating] eating habits habitudes fpl alimentaires eating disorder trouble m du comportement alimentaire
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. … visit London, it's so fascinating! I would love to I would like I would love