Traduction de blah blah [blɑ:] (informal)noun [talk] baratin m, bla-bla-bla m inv(US) [blues] to have the blahs avoir le cafard blah [blɑ:] (US, informal)adjective [uninteresting] insipide, ennuyeux [blue] to feel blah avoir le cafard
Traduction de blah blah [blɑ:] (informal)noun [talk] baratin m, bla-bla-bla m inv(US) [blues] to have the blahs avoir le cafard blah [blɑ:] (US, informal)adjective [uninteresting] insipide, ennuyeux [blue] to feel blah avoir le cafard
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. You … speak to your teacher, he will help you. must mustn't can't