1. | [hurry]
prisa f
to be in a rush tener prisa there's no rush no hay prisa |
2. | [burst of activity]
rush (for or on something) avalancha f (en busca de algo) there was a rush to stock up on sugar hubo una fiebre repentina por almacenar azúcar |
3. | [busy period] hora f punta |
4. | [surge - of air]
ráfaga f
[ - of water] torrente m [ - mental] arrebato m to make a rush for something ir en desbandada hacia algo there was a rush for the exit la gente salió apresuradamente |
[rʌʃ]transitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [hurry]
Conjugaison acelerar, Conjugaison apresurar
don't rush me! ¡no me metas prisa! to rush somebody into doing something apresurar a alguien para que haga algo |
2. | [send quickly]
llevar rápidamente
he was rushed to hospital lo llevaron al hospital a toda prisa |
3. | [attack suddenly] atacar repentinamente |
[rʌʃ]intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [hurry]
ir de prisa, Conjugaison correr
to rush into something meterse de cabeza en algo there's no need to rush no hay ninguna prisa he rushed to help her corrió a ayudarla |
2. | [surge] Conjugaison correr, Conjugaison precipitarse |
plural noun
1. | BOT juncos mpl |
2. | CIN primeras pruebas fpl |