Traduction de ministère



nom masculin
  1. politique [charge]     ministry (UK), administration (US)
      elle a refusé le ministère qu'on lui proposait    she turned down the government position she was offered
      sous le ministère de M. Thiers    under M. Thiers' ministry (UK) ou secretaryship (US), when M. Thiers was (the) minister
  2. [cabinet]     government, ministry
  3. [bâtiment]     ministry (UK), department (offices) (US)
    [département]     ministry (UK), department (US)
      ministère des Affaires étrangères ou des Relations extérieures   Ministry of Foreign Affairs,,   Foreign Office (UK),   State Department (US)
      ministère de la Défense   Ministry of Defence (UK),   Department of Defense (US)
      ministère de l'Économie et des Finances   Ministry of Finance,,   Treasury (UK),   Treasury Department (US)
      ministère de l'Environnement   ministry responsible for legislation relating to environmental issues
      ministère de l'Intérieur   Ministry of the Interior,,   Home Office (UK),   Department of the Interior (US)
  4. droit
      par ministère d'huissier    served by a bailiff
      ministère public   (office of the) Director of Public Prosecutions (UK)
  5. religion    ministry
      exercer un ministère    to serve as minister, to perform one's ministry

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